milk and cookie festival

last weekend we did a workshop at the milk and cookies festival.
it was the nicest festival we were at this year .
held in the beautiful garden of martinstown house.

there was such a friendly and happy atmosphere.

                        milk and cookies is a storytelling group that
takes place every second Tuesday of the month in the exchange.
next month we are hosting the event and stories will be shared about Lucy's Lounge.
the good the bad and the ugly.

at the festival we got people to write out stories 
and sew them on to clothes.
we made a quilt for milk and cookies with the help of everyone.
we also displayed a dress which will be full of stories from your experiences 
at Lucy's.

this is part of our 25 year celebration.

 an unusual sight ... a teenager being helpful!!

 our story dress

 the start of our dress collection.


milk and cookies quilt

 unusual sight no 2 a smiling teenager...

1 comment:

Missy Bonkers said...

looks absolutely brilliant, wish I had been there :)